Tuesday, April 22, 2008

It's Ok.

So update since friday/saturday. Things have majorly turned around, mostly how I'm feeling. Sunday, I sent the day with Beccawe went to church, and then out to eat, and then to the beach. It was a lot of fun, and so relaxing. It was just what I needed to make me feel so much better, and thats just what it did. And since Sunday, everything has been going great. Things are finally turning around.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

felling lost

God, I feel so lost. I don't know what to feel, what to think, or what to say.
Everything is just so confusing right now, and I just want to gt away from it all. I'm all alone right now, not physically, but in my heart. I feel like I have nothing and no one, and i just need something or someone. I hate feeling like this. I wanna run away and never return. Ever.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Best Friend?

Everyone has that one person that they can confide in, and trust with everything. And everyone needs there best friends. To be there when thing aren't the greatest, an to put a smile on their face, or just to have someone to have fun with. One thing that girls always say is, "never let a guy ever come between us". It's just a stupid thing to do right? to have a friendship destroyed over a guy? Well, right now I'm stuck in this predicament, my [ex] best friend is mad at me because I'm talking to her ex. She dumped him, so it's pretty much fair game right? Well not to her. So we've been fighting over this stupid thing for like 3 weeks. Retarded, I know. And on top of that, I've never even met the guy in real person yet. And nothing is going on. We talk like friends. We talk about skateboarding, and life, that's pretty much it. So honestly, Am I in the wrong with this, or is she? In my own opinion, she's overreacting about all of this, and needs to take a chill pill. She needs to take a step back and realize, who has been the better friend? Who has been there for who the whole time? And who was there for the other no matter what, or at least tried to be. Really, I don't think she took any of this into factor.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

I'm Grounded!

So today was pretty good. I woke up in a decent mood, and classes were pretty rad. Lunch was soo much fun! I loved it. Then came art class, and I got my report card :[. Ugh that totally ruined my day. I got tow F's one D two C's and 2 B's. And Guess what I'm grounded for the F's. So as of right now, what I do is really limited until I pull up my grades.

Steph and Paul are home =/. They're seperating. I feel really bad for them. I hope everything works out.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Day 1

Hello :). I'm excited for tomorrow. It's the art festival at school, and guess what!?!? Some of my art is going to be in it! Wow, I was so surprised when I found out that Ms. Rosa put some of my art in it. When I told mom, she did exactly what I thought she would. She kept saying how proud she was, and pretty much told everyone.

Mom, dad, Sarah, Steve, Anthony, and a bunch of other people are going tomorrow night. Tyler might even go :).