Friday, April 18, 2008

Best Friend?

Everyone has that one person that they can confide in, and trust with everything. And everyone needs there best friends. To be there when thing aren't the greatest, an to put a smile on their face, or just to have someone to have fun with. One thing that girls always say is, "never let a guy ever come between us". It's just a stupid thing to do right? to have a friendship destroyed over a guy? Well, right now I'm stuck in this predicament, my [ex] best friend is mad at me because I'm talking to her ex. She dumped him, so it's pretty much fair game right? Well not to her. So we've been fighting over this stupid thing for like 3 weeks. Retarded, I know. And on top of that, I've never even met the guy in real person yet. And nothing is going on. We talk like friends. We talk about skateboarding, and life, that's pretty much it. So honestly, Am I in the wrong with this, or is she? In my own opinion, she's overreacting about all of this, and needs to take a chill pill. She needs to take a step back and realize, who has been the better friend? Who has been there for who the whole time? And who was there for the other no matter what, or at least tried to be. Really, I don't think she took any of this into factor.

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