Saturday, January 3, 2009

Today was

good, for the most part. I went to the beach with a bunch of people to celebrate Natalie's 17th Birthday. It was fun, I really enjoyed myself. The water was really cold, but after a few minutes you got used to it. I actually was swimming instead of sitting there like I normally do. I swam halfway to the bouees. I saw a baby sting ray in the water. Natalie sortof freaked and decided she wasnt gonna go in anymore lol. I thought that was lame but whatever. But it was still nice. Then we walked from the pier all the way to the lighthouse and back. Wow, what a long walk but it was well needed. There were so many jellyfish and man-of-wars on the shore, it was unbelievable lol. We threw rocks on some of them and popped them, it was funny because some of them were loud we they popped. On our way back, we stopped and poked some of the jellyfish. There was one really big one, about ten inches wide. I took a rock and flipped it over. Thomas was all "oh stop that" lol. It was funny. We had some cupcakes, they were yummy, then about five minutes before everyone left, Stephanie finally showed up. It sucks that she missed all the fun. But shit happens. ON our way home, Thomas got a nut in his tire, and then we got into an argument. It was stupid, we were mad. Then i got yelled at for my atittude. Luc and I walked up to the walk, and saw Mary O' and Dylan. It was nice to chill with them. Then me and Thomsa made up, and got over being mad. And now, I'm sitting here, blogging about it al lol. I'm lame to tell such details, but to be honest, at the moment, its the only thing keeping me occupied, and from crying. I wish I could just stop caring. If I tried I probably could, but in reality, it's not in my nature to not care. Sometimes I wish it was. Curse me for being so much like mommom.

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